Οι πιο...ντροπιαστικές φωτογραφίες από τη δεκαετία του 80 (pics)

Όλοι όσοι ζήσαμε την περίοδο εκείνη την θυμόμαστε με κάποια νοσταλγία.

Οι πιο...ντροπιαστικές φωτογραφίες από τη δεκαετία του 80 (pics)
Futurology: In the Eighties, this is how we thought we'd be living right now
Gameboy: If you're not old enough to remember the NES, well, that's a shame
Crop tops for guys... In the era before belly button piercings, belly hair was all the rage
Punk: You're doing it wrong
Hairspray - my momma told me not to use it...
The first era of sportswear: How things have changed
U.S. tourists: Recognisable the world over - whatever the era
Like a lion: Mullets encapsulated the best of Eighties masculinity
Keeping it casual: The father in this family picture presciently realised that denim wouldn't stand the test of time
Fashion comes in cycles: Dungarees have had their day again, but matching outfits were never a good idea
The money, the glamour: It was the era of Dallas, after all
Frazzled: But this pair may have regretted buying the cheapest brand of hairspray
Informal: The guy in the centre looks as if he's turned up for the wrong photo
Tron: This family are going to have a job hiding from the Master Control Program in those matching jumpers
Υπάρχουν όμως και ορισμένες... παρατυπίες που καλό είναι να ξεχαστούν.Δείτε ξεκαρδιστικές φωτογραφίες από τη δεκαετία του 80, τις οποίες οι εικονιζόμενοι σίγουρα θα ήθελαν να ξεχάσουν:

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