PM Tsipras: Greece is a pillar of stability and constructive dialog with wider region

Greece is a pillar of stability and constructive dialog with countries in the Middle East and North Africa, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said on Friday (08/07/2016) in his speech at the NATO Summit meeting in Warsaw.

PM Tsipras: Greece is a pillar of stability and constructive dialog with wider region

According to sources, Tsipras also spoke of the need to build a new European security architecture for peace, stability and for dealing with the growing international and regional conflicts in cooperation with the United Nations, adding that Russia must be included in this.

He said Greece may not agree with all the arguments of its allies on how to deal with Russia and its stance, but shows solidarity for their concerns. It also expects though the same solidarity for Greece’s “security concerns”.

The premier mentioned the need for NATO to adapt to a constantly changing and unstable environment in order to address the full range of challenges in the region, but - above all - the concerns of its members. The Allied security is indivisible, Tsipras said: either it applies in its entirety for each Ally, or for none at all.

The same sources said Tsipras noted that the implementation of the Rapid Action Plan and NATO’s outpost in the eastern part of the Alliance has significantly strengthened its readiness, response capability and flexibility, as well as its overall deterrent and defensive arrangement, stating however that collective security cannot be built and ensured solely by military means.

He then said that “the same way the Alliance demonstrates our determination militarily, we must show our determination to remain committed to dialogue and to resolving disputes by peaceful means and refrain from the threat or use of force, as provided the founding North Atlantic Treaty.

Tsipras stressed that European security is unthinkable without Russia, as the latter forms part of the problem, while at the same time, can only be part of the solution. Deterrence, he continued, must be accompanied by a strong and meaningful dialogue with Russia in order to avoid erroneous assessments and unnecessary escalation, and especially in times where there is tension, dialogue to enhance transparency and predictability are essential.

He then urged for the continued implementation of the Alliance's work following the dual approach to collective defense and the essential dialogue.

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