Amphipolis: The marble door that leads to the fourth chamber of the tomb
The whole bodies of the caryatids that stand proudly in front of the second chamber of the funerary monument of Amphipolis cause awe.

The Ministry of Culture and Sport had published on Sunday the photos that show the Caryatids in all their glory. The whole bodies of the Caryatids show their beauty after 2300 years hidden in the tomb.

There is a fourth chamber

The assessment of Lina Mendonis for a fourth chamber of the tomb of Amphipolis was fully confirmed, as seen from the pictures published by the Ministry of Culture and the announcement.
"In the third chamber the technical team proceeded in sample check by manual drilling in default locations. Thus detected a marble doorway, with opening 0.96 m., on the north wall", says the announcement, speaking for a marble door that apparently leads to another chamber.
The archaeologists are actually searching for the burial chamber, in where "hiding" the answers to big questions about the monument.
The fact that so far the archaeologists have not expressed some confidence that the third chamber is the burial site, together with the evidence for the existence of a new chamber, complicates the situation.
The only sure thing is that at this stage, the archaeologists cannot give clear answers as they are working feverishly to manage to enter the third chamber, to collect more information and to find out if the dead is buried there.
Moreover, the latest information indicates that the fourth chamber's sand fill is 4.5 meters height, something which would complicate the work of the archaeologists who speak of a "heavy" excavation.
How the archaeologists will enter in the third chamber.

Along with the revelation of the Caryatids, are continuing the works of the support, as archaeologists preparing to enter in the third chamber of the monument.
The interdisciplinary team decided not to attempt to enter through the hole in the upper western part of the third wall, but to enter from the ancient entrance. This means that before anything else, should removed the sand from the chamber, to remove the fallen part of the lintel and to support the doorway between the second and third chamber, with wooden elements.
At the same time, they should also strengthen the bracing in the second chamber, in a lower level in order to cope with additional external triggers, after the removal of the backfill. At the same time, the excavators remove soil from the second chamber to be able to put more shoring beams in the third chamber, while additional stones will be removed from the wall sealing, ahead of the Caryatids, for the installation of conveyor of earthworks and bridge crane which transfers blocks from the third chamber.
The team did measurements for the content of air inside the third chamber, and showed that the oxygen and carbon monoxide level is normal. The humidity is increased (87%), while the temperature ranges from 21,5 - 22,70C. This means that there will be no problem for workers inside.
The dimensions of the sculptures

The two caryatids reaching a height of 2.27 m., They wear long chiton and long dresses with rich folds. They are wearing sandals which are decorated with red and yellow color, while the fingertips of their feet are rendered with great detail.
According to the new announcement of the Ministry of Culture, the caryatids standing up on marble pedestals, reaching up to 1.33 m. length, 0.68 m. in width and as revealed so far, at a height of about 0.30 meters. The front of the pedestals has been sculpted with stanchions following the pattern of the wall lining. The distance between the two pedestals is 1.68 m., as the door opening of the first wall with the Sphinxes. On the surface of the base of the eastern Caryatid there are traces of red color. Also, after the removing of the sandy embankment near the Caryatids, were found parts of their hands.
The full disclosure of Caryatids is not the only finding, since at the third chamber was detected a marble doorway, with opening of 0.96 m.
