Kammenos assails Venizelos

Panos Kammenos, the president of Aneksartitoi Ellines political party, addressed a direct devastating attack to Evangellos Venizelos, concerning the Foreign Minister's views on the crisis in Ukraine.

Mr. Kammenos blaims the Vice President of the government that by his attitude and statements, acted.... independently when proceeded in the recognition of Ukraine's Nazi government, putting at risk the relations between Greece and Russia.

"The insight of Mr. Venizelos which led him to urged to attack Syria and been disproved, and to recognize -before anyone else did- the government of neo-Nazis in Ukraine, cannot guarantee the reliability of his choices. The problem is that they appear as Greek options", says the president of Aneksartitoi Ellines.

Reffering to the same thing Terens Kouik has stated earlier:

"The Foreign Minister and Vice President of Samara's government went to Ukraine saw and departed, without making any statement about the neo-Nazis and the current para-governmental representatives of todays un-legitimate and under political coup government", said Foreign Affairs' section head of Aneksartitoi Ellines Terens Kouik.

"A deafening silence, which shows the absolute consensus that expresses himself, but also Samara's Government, in these dangerous, extreme political formation. It is obvious that these instructions are received from Merkel, who features and in EU policy over the Ukrainian problem and drags "by the nose" the Greek presidency of this semester", adds Mr. Kouik and concludes:

"Regarding the statement that was published today by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we express the followings:

1. It is a meandering speech which indicates the verbalistic and conceit mentality of Evangelos Venizelos. A mentality that renders him as a dangerous Minister of Foreign Affairs.

2. ANEKSARTITOI ELLINES concerning the safety of Greeks in Ukraine, we waited for the official statements of the MoFA, rather than the statements of fellow expatriates, that -in any case- we honor and cared.

3. ANEKSARTITOI ELLINES, express their firm patriotic positions, they have ABSOLUTELY NO relation with the almost identical national policy that is expressed by ND - PASOK and SYRIZA. They agree on Cypriot, Skopian, Greek-Turkish, Independent Financial Zone, even in questions of Thrace. Our ABSOLUTE difference is also confirmed by the presence and the clearly content of speech of our Chairman Panou Kammenou, who was the only Chairman of any other Greek political party, in the last urgent meeting of National Council of Exterior Policy.

The INDEPENDENT GREEKS address an extreme call to Evangelos Venizelos, Antonis Samaras and their government. Stop doing irreparable damage in the image and the international interests of our homeland".

Venizelos: The respect of existing borders of Ukraine is a major issue!

Evangelos Venizelos, without the least authorization for such a serious subject, -that tomorrow can even drove to the country's choice of sides in case of... military confrontation in Crimea crisis-, stressed that agrees with his German peer Frank Stainmager, that we found ourselves in a crisis of historical dimensions. "We should continuously send clear messages. Our policy is based on principals", marked and stressed that "the respect of existing borders, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine is the major question. Our frame is always the respect of international right".

Mr. Venizelos has particularly insisted on the de-climax of intensity, the dialogue, the reject of threat or the use of violence is a major rule of international rights. However he did not clarify what will act if Russia insists in this policy, since EE and NATO are also preparing for every possible scenario....

Did really Mr. Venizelos wonder who really is the legitimate, when he speaks with armed groups and Nazis that threatens the lives and properties of thousands of our compatriots of Ukraine?