Tsipras: “There is a Samaras Gate”

"There is no Baltakos Gate, there is a Samaras Gates" the president of SYRIZA, Alexis Tsipras, said during his campaign speech at the convention center "Vellidis" of Thessaloniki International Trade Fair, adding that the country is governed by a "right-wing sect", that that the "the prime minister is dangerous for democracy and normalcy" and that the President of PASOK, Evangelos Venizelos, "is starring in a comedy".

"The most trusted man of the Prime Minister, the man who Samaras has made powerful in his government, who gave orders to ministers, determined the fate of bills, gave lines for all serious issues, approved or rejected amendments, was proven a partner of the political underworld of the Golden Dawn. He conspired with the imprisoned gang identical to Führer!" he mentioned and continued:"Baltakos Gate was the name given by some people to the dangerous cluster that was revealed. Is there even one Greek who believes that Baltakos acted without the Prime Minister? Is there even one Greek who believes that Baltakos became a friend of the accused deputy of the Golden Dawn, without Samaras knowing? Samaras didn't read friendly to the government newspapers that revealed Baltakos contacts? Did he not know anything about the cooperation project of cooperation with Golden Dawn, propagated by famous parrots of journalism? Dear friends, let's say the truth. There isn't a Baltakos Gate, there is a Samaras Gate. This is the truth".

Tsipras urged the prime minister to "let the comedy" and noted: "He should stop hiding and come to the Parliament to explain. And he knew, and favored these achievements for collaboration. If Baltakos is the perpetrator of the conspiracy against democracy, Samaras is the instigator. That alone would be enough to qualify for him to be dangerous for democracy and smoothness. He is dangerous because with the help of mainstream media, who play their own games, allowed neo-Nazis to appear as a force that challenges the system and against him. While the Golden Dawn is only the dark side of the system itself, it helps him. It is a coalescence of the brutal class with the raw class, which sees as enemies the damned of the land, rather than the barons of entanglement and wealth. It is a gang, which government Samara closed its eyes for a long time in front of its criminal structure, its criminal ideology and its criminal actions".

"Accountable" for the president of SYRIZA also is the president of PASOK Evangelos Venizelos , as he said: "Evangelos Venizelos is also accountable in front of the democratic people. He doesn't only support the far right sect of Samaras, but has assumed the role of the propagandist. The country is living a tragedy, but Venizelos is starring in a comedy. He builds the center-left, which is allied to the party of neo-Nazis. He aims at people who once honored their trust to PASOK, in order to gather them like sheep in the fold of the extreme right. After praising the stance of the Prime Minister in Samaras Gate, he attacked SYRIZA, which he called "conjectural vehicle of protest". Those who once voted once PASOK have an owner: it is Evangelos Venizelos. And the owner invites them to come down from the vehicle of the left to take their place in the vehicle with memorandums, with Merkel as a driver, with Adonis, with Baltakos, with Samaras, with Voridis .

He also set a series of questions that should be answered by people with their hand on their heart, ahead of elections and are as follow:

-How many pieces sovereignty do we have to concede to obtain two or three hundreds of our bloodied surplus that they throw in our faces before the election?
-How many discounts to democracy we have to accept, in order to deserve loans, which are the target of the current government?
-In how much humiliation, how much poverty, how much unemployment, how many dramas must we close our eyes for Merkel and Schäuble to like us?
-How many lies, how much cheating, how many success stories must we swallow from our lenders and usurers ISO of docile people?
-How many meetings of Samaras, Baltakos and other people of Maximos Mansion with neo-Nazis, how much Venizelos, Adonis, Voridis must we digest for markets of neoliberal gluttony to like us?
-Will we live as free people, as Europeans, in a sovereign democratic country, enjoying the fruits of progress and of our work?
-Or will we live up to the distant future tethered to an endless chain of memoranda, poverty, and unemployment, cultural and democratic decay? Through the gloom of debt, hard measures, besieged democracy, the government is attempting to flee the polls with a long contrived, staged, show.

About the impending return of country to markets he said: "This a show sponsored by troika and the European Alliance of memoranda, under the high supervision of Germany" and explained:"The title of the show? We go to the markets. So we come out of the current tunnel to the clearing of development. This is not the first time the barbarism is associated with the most blatant lie. Here we are talking about a huge business fraud. And the Greeks are called to play the role of the viewers, by applauding the policy which destroys them and approve its continuation. In this election extravaganza one million spectators will be offered popcorn from the surplus of Stournaras. How much cynicism surplus did they need to set up this game? But sincerely tell me, because now there is a surplus and as they say our suffering has ended, since we don't need other borrowed money for salaries, why do they borrow more and cheer for their success? And if we need new loans to service old, how do they argue that debt is sustainable? Viable is a debt that needs another dept! German chancellor wants to convince her own voters how correct her policy towards Greece is and she wants to convince Europeans that Greece, the naughty child of Europe, has become the best student thanks to their combination of carrot and whip. The whip was for us, the carrot for bankers, agents of Siemens, resellers of our national sovereignty, the barons of entanglement and the politicians who represent them".

For the forthcoming visit of the Chancellor of Germany to Greece he said that "it is the proof to how the current German government respects the Greeks and their right to decide for themselves the course of their country". He commented with humor that he does not know if Merkel will distribute leaflets to Greeks, but the truth is that she comes to support her "merkelists". He referred to the fact that she will not meet with the main opposition party in Greece, saying that she only wants to hear pleasant things. He noted that he "welcomed" Merkel in Greece, provided that she recognizes that Greece belongs to the Greeks, with the people as its homemaker.

He added that the visit is a testament of "how Berlin respects Greece and how much it considers us a plot and a colony. Consider what would happen if President Putin or President Obama decided to visit Germany just before the elections to support political opponents of Merkel. Think how they would react in such a situation, not only Merkel, but all parties of Germany and the German people themselves, but Samaras did not have any problem. He is getting ready to be photographed smiling together with his superiors, to bow to all her desires, to meet with those she deems loyalists to Berlin. Of course not with the opposition because she knows we disagree strongly and vertical against her policy. But we disagree with her policy towards our country. For her policy in her country she talks to German citizens.

He stressed that the minimum requirement from Merkel is to recognize that the Greeks also have the right to make the shots in their own country. He expressed his belief that the visit by Merkel will backfire: "Those who consented to this electoral journey of German Chancellor in a country that lives on the consequences of her policy, should have known that the Greeks are not obedient to any foreign ruler". On the occasion of the visit, the president of SYRIZA said he would resubmit the question of possession loan and compensation and wondered: "Really, will Samaras mumble something about it? Or will he prefer silence because Berlin has forbidden him to address the issue? We insist, Merkel, your country owes us even more. And you will not forever talk to governments ready to forget about the German debt and to remember only the Greek one".

He noted, however, that SYRIZA will not prejudge anything and will wait to see what will Samaras do and if he will put the question, saying that we have debt, as does Germany to us. Tsipras raised the issue of investing in gold by Slag Chalkidiki, of the reactions of residents and of the struggle against the privatization of EYATH.

He talked about a win of SYRIZA in the May elections and in the national elections and said" "The battle will be tough, but cannot be won from the couch, so we will need the active participation of the people in the conflicts"