Government struggling for a solution that will make the debt sustainable says State Min Flambouraris

"Government's main concern is the conclusion of the review as the prior actions have been met despite the fact that some of them are harsh" noted State Minister Alekos Flambouraris in a statement on Friday.

He also said that "the government, in the middle of IMF and Schaeuble's clash, is struggling for a solution for the debt that will make it sustainable" he said adding that "the government, the political forces and the Greek people should participate in this huge effort".

Flambouraris refers to the government's huge battle to implement the pending investments, to complete the huge works that are underway noting that "it does not sell out the public wealth but it develops it" adding "All Greeks along with the foreign investors are certain that the government with respect to the environment, the labour rights and the Greek people's wealth is struggling to get the country out of the crisis by protecting them all" he underlined.

Source: APE-MPE