Athens Newspaper Headlines (12/09/2019)

The Thursday edition of Athens' dailies at a glance

DIΜΟΚRΑΤΙΑ: The evidence for Loverdos

ΕLEFTHEROS TYPOS: Real estate. New extensions and fines

EFIMERIDA TON SYNTAKTON: The end of the labour market with the pretext of growth

ΤΑ ΝΕΑ: The black list of bad employers

ΕSΤΙΑ: 140 mines missing from the Navy facility on Leros

KATHIMERINI: Investment delays constitute a disciplinary offense

RIZOSPASTIS: Alert! Action against the government-employers' attack

ΤΟ PΟΝΤΙΚΙ: SYRIZA's attack on the government for pre-election false promises

ΝΑFTEMPORIKI: Call of tender for investments

Source: ana-mpa

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