When consumers detect profiteering they should file complaints, Development Min Georgiadis says
"Whenever consumers detect overcharging they should file a complaint with the general secreteriat of Commerce and Consumer Protection at the phone line 1520 and there will be an immediate investigation," said Development and Investments Minister Adonis Georgiadis on Thursday, speaking to OPEN TV.
He stressed that fines will be imposed on the very same day for businesses caught profiteering.
Regarding the supply of the market, especially for antiseptic products, he said that the market was being supplied every day but there were not enough products to meet the high demand, which was why the restriction of just two units of antiseptic products per customer was imposed. He also said that a cosmetics firm will add an additional of 250,000 units of antiseptics to its daily production to cover the high demand, which is close to 1 million units a day.
Referring to the measures in place for enterprises, the minister announced the inclusion of more professions in the protection measures, such as lawyers and pastry shops, he said.
"The time limit of the crisis is undeterminable," he said, adding that it is crucial that the sectors that are open remain so because the higher the economic damage, the more difficult things will become later.
Source: AMNA