PM Mitsotakis briefs President Sakellaropoulou on the health crisis and measures to support economy

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Wednesday briefed President of the Hellenic Republic Katerina Sakellaropoulou on the latest developments in issues of public health and on the measures to support the economy.

During the video conference, Mitsotakis underlined the restoration of confidence in the institutions, the state, civil servants and the national health system, noting that he attaches great importance to the fact that, through the pandemic, a comprehensive technocratic scientific view was promoted which constitutes an cross-party response to populism, exaggeration and fake news.

Mitsotakis referred to an unprecedented maturity and responsibility on the part of the Greek people to comply with the measures the government was forced to impose.

He also referered to the "care for those that are weaker, either the elderly or the marginalised, people with economic problems," while adding that the government's economic measures are directed at everyone and for this reason "had a character of justice and equality".

On her part, Sakellaropoulou said that she understands that the government has made huge efforts and everyone, in his own way, should support them."

Mitsotakis said that the government's priority, apart from ensuring the citizens' health, was the protection of labour and jobs and he estimated that the policies initiated "make us believe that the negative consequences of the economic crisis will be, to the degree this is possible, held under control." He added that all of Europe will be in recession and Greece cannot be the exception but "the issue is for the wound, the major wound from the pandemic crisis, to be less deep, as much as possible. Once the danger has gone, he said, while stressing that "we are not there yet," the aim was for Greece to be able to quickly restart economic activity while always following the advice of the experts to prevent a resurgence of the pandemic.

Source: ana-mna