Tourism Minister Theoharis sees the strengthening of Greece's 'Brand' this year

Greece's tourism representatives expect the strengthening of the Greek "Brand" during this year's tourist season, Tourism Minister Haris Theoharis explained in his statements to the Athens-Macedonian News Agency (ANA).

"As Greece won the 'health bet' last year, something that was internationally recognised, this year Greece will once again bet on it," he underlined.

"Greece's Brand," the minister explained "is strengthened when someone can come to Greece with clear rules that do not change, and when he comes, he finds that everything works perfectly and he returns safe to his country."

"We are re-opening tourism with safety, health protection but also with professionalism, optimism and will in order to welcome visitors," Theoharis stressed adding that "Greece offers what people need. Moments of calm and carefree on the road to normalcy."

Theoharis reiterated this year's central motto of Greek tourism which is "All You Want is Greece" and referred to Greece's international campaign accompanied by 5 videos that are already online.

Regarding the quantitative goals of this year, Theoharis pointed out that he will be happy, not with the numbers that Greece will achieve, but with maintaining the quality at all levels. In any case, he estimated that this year can be significantly better than last year. In view of the increase in tourist flows compared to last year, the minister focused on the unprecedented, as he was characterized it, campaign of promoting Greece abroad, stressing that only in England there are 13 advertising campaigns in cooperation with airlines and tour operators.