PM Mitsotakis at SEV annual meeting: 'Greece ready for a new leap in development' (ADDS)
Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said that conditions are good to allow for a leap forward, a move towards growth that will reduce inequalities, speaking at an open discussion in the context of the annual general meeting of the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV), held in Athens on Tuesday.

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla and SEV's Chairman of the Board Dimitri Papalexoloupos also participated in this discussion with the Greek premier, the first remotely from New York city and the latter at the event's location, the "Hellenic Cosmos" cultural center of the Foundation of the Hellenic World (IME).
Greece "is rather well-prepared for a new leap in development," Mitsotakis observed.
Elaborating, the Greek premier said that "now is the time for investors to invest in Greece, and I say this in absolute certainty, that the Greek economy's prospects are looking extremely positive."
Mitsotakis expressed his firm belief that conditions are perfectly suitable for the country to progress forward, and not only leave behind "a very painful decade," but also "completely change the way it is placed on the international economic map."
"Now is the time...and I have no doubt that you too will meet the challenge of the times," he told his fellow participants.