Bertelsmann Foundation: Greece among the leaders in managing the coronavirus crisis

Greece is at the top of the ranking in the comparative study on crisis management and resilience among 29 OECD and European Union countries conducted by the Bertelsmann Foundation.

The study assessed, among other things, the resilience of democracy, the organization of crisis management and the resilience of the welfare state during the pandemic.

"Greece has achieved top positions in the rating scales and is one of the surprisingly successful states in managing the pandemic and one of the well-placed states," the researchers said.

Specifically, in the category "Resilience of Governance", Greece is ranked ninth among 29 countries, with a score of 7.56 out of 10, behind New Zealand, South Korea, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Canada and Switzerland. Greece is followed by Finland, Austria, Japan, the Netherlands and Portugal, while below average are Estonia, Chile, France, Spain, Belgium, Turkey and the Czech Republic, and the USA. Mexico, Hungary and Poland are ranked in the last positions.