Mitsotakis at 2022 State Budget debate: The country's greatest advantage is political stability

The country's greatest advantage and source of prosperity is political stability, noted Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis while addressing parliament on the final day of the five-day debate on the 2022 State Budget on Saturday.
Kyriakos Mitsotakis

Responding to criticism by main opposition party leader Alexis Tsipras, and specifically the latter's call for the premier's resignation and for holding immediate national elections, Mitsotakis said that "elections will be held on time, at the end of the four-year term, whether you ask for it or not."

On the 2022 State Budget, the prime minister said that Greece's economy has registered a 9.3 pct growth in the first nine months of 2021, "Eurozone's third best," he added, and he continued to say that his government "turned difficulties into opportunities, and thus surpassed all expectations."

The government's target is dual, he said: "Growth and social welfare."

In this context, "Greeks are burdened with fewer taxes and social insurance contributions [...] as there is now a total of 57 tax reductions for households and businesses."

Mitsotakis also announced three new relief measures: An additional increase in state subsidies for electricity bills for December, a further 40 pct reduction in natural gas bills for the month of December, and the subsidization of the biggest portion of recalculated agricultural energy tariffs from the months of August to December.