Greece already implementing most EU proposals for energy, ministry sources say

Most the the European Union's proposals with respect to fuel prices are already being implemented by the Greek government, environment and energy ministry sources said on Wednesday, while not ruling out the possibility that additional support measures for consumers will be announced later this week.

The sources also referred to the Greek proposal for the creation of a Solidarity Mechanism to mitigate the impact of the international energy crisis on households and businesses, following Tuesday's announcements by the European Commission for restraining prices and reducing dependence on Russian fossil fuels.

The Greek proposal calls for an EU Solidarity Mechanism from which member-states can take out low-interest loans to finance measures to offset the repercussions of soaring energy prices.

They also noted that the government was already implementing measures such as transferring profits from renewable energy sources and carbon trading rights to consumers, as well as the discounts given by the Public Power Corporation and the gas company DEPA Commercial to their customers.

In announcements on Tuesday, the European Commission presented proposals for eliminating Europe's dependence on Russian oil and gas before 2030 by increasing imports of Liquid Natural Gas and imports from alternative pipelines, use of biomethame and renewable hydrogen, increase in energy efficiency, increasing the share of renewables and electrification. The EU aims to reduce consumption of natural gas by 100 billion cubic metres in 2022, or roughly two thirds of Russian imports.