SYRIZA-PA: Greece once becoming the black sheep of Europe

Main opposition SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance, in an announcement, said that "Greece is once again turning into the black sheep of Europe. This time over recycling stations".
SYRIZA-PA: Greece once becoming the black sheep of Europe

According to the newspaper Efimerida ton Syntakton, the European Commission in a letter raised points relating to a lack of transparency in recycling as well as serious performance issues of the equipment and said it was freezing EU funding for the project, asking for explanations from the Development Minister and the government.

As SYRIZA said, it is 'a project that the government chose to fund not once but two additional times from the NSRF and "Antonis Tritsis programme" whereas, based on the European framework, it should be funded exclusively by the citizens and businesses that pay a special levy for the recycling of every product they buy.

"After European Commission's slap we consider the intervention of prosecuting authorities self-evident," the party's announcement said.

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