Fragogiannis, Gumene: Enchancement of Greek-Moldovan economic relations

Fragogiannis, Gumene: Enchancement of Greek-Moldovan economic relations

The co-chairs of the Joint Interministerial Committee for Economic, Technological and Scientific Cooperation between Greece and Moldova, Greek Deputy Foreign Minister Costas Fragogiannis and Deputy Minister for Development and Digitalisation of Moldova Vadim Gumene reaffirmed both countries strong volition to strengthen the economic and trade relations between Greece and Moldova and the next steps toward this direction during the 4th meeting of the Committee that was held on Friday in Chisinau.

According to a Foreign Ministry's announcement, at the committee's meeting were discussed the progress achieved in the last years in cooperation in the sectors of trade, energy, infrastructure and transport, telecoms and cybersecurity, in health, culture and education.

The two co-chairmen signed the protocol of the 4th Committee's meeting while Fragogiannis signed, on behalf of ENTERPRISE GREECE, a memoradum of cooperationa with the respective agency of Moldova INVEST MOLDOVA. Additionally, he signed, representing the Tourism Ministry, a common action plan with the Tourism Minister of Moldova.

At a bilateral meeting between Fragogiannis and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Nicu Popescu, he expressed Greece's support to Moldova's ambition to become member of EU, a positive development for the bilateral relations in general and especially for the bilateral economic relations. Fragogiannis also referred to Greece's intention to soon acquire a diplomatic representation in Moldova.

In his meeting with the Energy Ministry of Moldova Victor Parlicov, who had recently visited Greec, they discussed the prospect of common projects in the sector of the renewable energy sources (RES).

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