Mitarachi: University police will not be abolished

Citizen Protection Minister Notis Mitarachi on Wednesday assured parliament that the university police is not being abolished, in answer to a question from opposition PASOK MP Pavlos Christidis.

Mitarachi: University police will not be abolished

Citizen Protection Minister Notis Mitarachi on Wednesday assured parliament that the university police is not being abolished, in answer to a question from opposition PASOK MP Pavlos Christidis.

"The university police were not and are not a failed institution. We did not make a u-turn. The university police will not be abolished, as was mistakenly said, and the government is not preparing any legislative initiative to that effect," Mitarachi underlined.

He also pointed out that a comprehensive and structured security plan is needed for every university and this is also the responsibility of the university community.

On his part, Christidis spoke of "shambolic" government handling of this particular issue with a "communications game" that changed from day to day, creating massive confusion. According to the MP, the university police were a ruling New Democracy "ideological obsession" that had placed an additional burden on tax payers.

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