Marinakis: We will be strict in cases of consumers' misleading

"In Rhodes, as in many other areas where fires broke out, the state, the fire brigade, the security forces, the armed forces, the volunteers and all the citizens cooperate in the best possible way. One without the other could not function. We are fighting an unequal battle with fires with all our might. In Rhodes, an unprecedented rescue operation took place, where almost 20,000 people were transferred to a safe place, they were offered accommodation, they were provided with basic necessities," government spokesman Pavlos Marinakis said on Saturday in an interview with Political newspaper.

Our priority is, above all, the protection of human life, but also of citizens' property and the natural environment, he underlined.

On the subject of inspections in the market in order to limit soaring prices, he underlined: "We will be strict in cases of misleading consumers, in cases of unjustified profits and protection of workers. We will not allow anyone to play games on the backs of our fellow citizens. Laws and decisions are issued in order to be followed and we will not make any discount on that," he added.

Regarding the Greek-Turkish relations and the possibility of recourse to The Hague, he said: "We aim for a peaceful coexistence with Turkey and seek the solution of our dispute, the delimitation of the EEZ and continental shelf on the basis of international law, that is, at the Hague court."