Ministers and chamber president discuss new infant-at-work program in Greek businesses

An implemented infant-at-work program was discussed between government officials and the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EVEA) on Wednesday, with the Chamber head suggesting it be expanded to smaller businesses.

Specifically, Social Cohesion and Family Minister Sofia Zacharaki and Deputy Minister Maria Kefala met with Chamber President Sophia Kounenaki-Efraimoglou to review the introduction of the new program that is running in Greek businesses and aims at supporting women in the labor market by providing on-the-premises care for their infants.

The EVEA president proposed that the program be expanded to groups of smaller enterprises. The two sides also discussed expanding the "Housing and Work" program by encouraging Chamber members to offer jobs to homeless people.

Efraimoglou expressed the Chamber's intention to support women entrepreneurs through a trademark for businesses owned and run by women. She also presented a proposal by the Chamber members to expand the state's support network in terms of benefits for mothers and for women who are independent business owners/freelancers.

The Chamber president, who is also president of the National Chamber Network of Women Entrepreneurs (EEDEGE), said both chambers will "stand by the ministry in promoting policies of equality among both sexes and the reduction of social inequalities."