Doctor, staff allegedly forming baby-selling ring on Crete testify on Sunday

The nine persons allegedly running a criminal surrogate mother and adoption ring on Crete through an assisted reproduction unit are testifying on Sunday at the court in Chania, western Crete.

The nine persons allegedly running a criminal surrogate mother and adoption ring on Crete through an assisted reproduction unit are testifying on Sunday at the court in Chania, western Crete.

Two prosecutors are involved in the testimonies collected. The first defendant to testify was the 73-year-old doctor and head of the controversial unit of assisted reproduction. He began testifying at 08:00 and concluded his testimony at 11:00.

Citizens expressing support for him rallied outside the courts.

The nine defendants face charges, among others, of setting up a criminal organization, human trafficking, fake documentation, physical abuse and violation of narcotics legislation.

On Saturday, Health Minister Michalis Chrysochoidis removed alternate professor of gynecology (University of Athens) Nikolaos Vrachnis as head of the National Authority on Assisted Reproduction. The Authority is responsible for overseeing all assisted reproduction facilities and approving their licensing.

According to the police file, the Chania-based Unit of Medically Assisted Reproduction and Bank of Cryogenic Maintenance is allegedly involved in the network of baby selling.