Man charged with multiple arson attempts at Avlonas is detained after testimony

A 45-year-old man was led back to jail on Tuesday to await trial after testifying before an investigating prosecutor on charges of arson in the region of Avlonas.

A 45-year-old man was led back to jail on Tuesday to await trial after testifying before an investigating prosecutor on charges of arson in the region of Avlonas.

The man denies the criminal charges and claims there is no video revealing him setting several fires in the area, which is on the northern edges of the Parnitha mountain range and west of the national highway. The fire led to evacuations in Avlonas, including inmates and staff of the jail.

His defense lawyer Constantine Gogos said his client suffered from emotional problems, and the court ordered a psychiatric evaluation to determine if the claim is true. If the latter is true, then the defendant's detention will continue at the psychiatric ward of the Korydallos jail.