Agriculture minister speaks of disposal of dead livestock

A cremation unit for dead animals at the Industrial Region of Larissa in Thessaly is in operation, Agricultural Development and Food Minister Lefteris Avgenakis said on Thursday during a briefing on the storm's repercussions.

The crematorium can handle 250 tons every 12 hours or 10,000 dead animals a day, Avgenakis said, who noted that 40 members of the Armed Forces are assisting in the collection of the animals' bodies.

According to the Organization of Greek Agricultural Insurance (ELGA), the following animals were lost to the strom (data up to Thursday afternoon):

- 61,786 sheep and goats

- 19,355 swine

- 5,306 cattle

- 123,810 poultry

Up to Thursday afternoon, the bodies of a total of 27,736 sheep and goats, 10,103 swine, 44 cattle and 25,400 poultry had been recovered for burial or cremation.

The minister also noted that a total of 37 tons of animal feed have been distributed through the Civil Protection's and the Army's helicopters to areas without road access. He also thanked private donors and the Association of Greek Cooperatives (EThEAS) for animal feed, the latter calling on its members, who contributed 100 tons transported by 13 trucks.

Assistance from several simultaneously funded programs, such as those for new farmers or for improvement plans, will be facilitated and extended by 6 months, he added, while the option to extend public and land reclamation works in Thessaly and Fthiotida will be available by application. A list of general directives for the speedier reclamation of land will be issued in the coming days. It will include how to handle the earth and materials carried to the fields by the floods, which will be used to restored licensed mines. In addition, the Greek Agricultural Organization ELGO-Demetra has begun taking samples to determine the new levels of earth fecundity and what the and use of fertilizers should be, Avgenakis said.