The government is stepping up efforts to make the best use of every EU fund

"The draft 2024 state budget was submitted to Parliament earlier on Monday," government spokesperson Pavlos Marinakis said during a press briefing, adding that this included all the measures announced before the elections as well as the measures the prime minister had announced at the Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF).

"The draft 2024 state budget was submitted to Parliament earlier on Monday," government spokesperson Pavlos Marinakis said during a press briefing, adding that this included all the measures announced before the elections as well as the measures the prime minister had announced at the Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF).

"Everything that will be presented in detail by the political leadership of the Ministry of National Economy and Finance is happening without deviating from the country's fiscal goals. The increase in the salaries of public-sector employees, the lifting of a freeze on three-year pay rises, the increase in the tax-free allowance for families with children, the increase in the minimum guaranteed income, the new increase in pensions and investment funds amounting to 12.1 billion euros through the public investment programme and the Recovery and Resilience Fund that are expected to flow into the economy within 2024 will significantly increase the disposable income of citizens, which was our main pre-election commitment and our highest priority," Marinakis underlined.

He also pointed out that the 2024 budget is the first in 13 years to be prepared with the country having regained an investment grade rating, "as a result of our stable, prudent and effective fiscal policy."

At this point, Marinakis emphasised that food inflation remains an important issue, which, although at high levels, is decreasing adding that "the government continues to support citizens with permanent interventions aimed at increasing citizens' disposable income. The permanent interventions are the most important ones because they are the ones that will remain even when the crises are over."

He also added that "the government is intensifying its efforts for the optimal use of every EU fund for the benefit of the economy and society. In this direction, the absorption of NSRF 2014-2020 funds tripled in the period 2019-2023.