PM has 'lost the manual to the country', Kasselakis says regarding OAKA stadium shutdown

"A terrifying combination: A Minister Karamanlis who hid the report and a Prime Minister Mitsotakis who has lost the manual to the country," main opposition SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance leader Stefanos Kasselakis said in a social media post on Tuesday, regarding the closure of the Calatrava stadium over safety concerns.

PM has 'lost the manual to the country', Kasselakis says regarding OAKA stadium shutdown

"September 22, 2020. The day when the transport and infrastructure minister, Kostas Karamanlis, received the official report on the serious stability problems of the Calatrava roof that 'demand immediate action', as ANT1 revealed today. What did the .... minister do? The same thing as in Tempi: Nothing!" Kasselakis commented.

Just as the trains had continued to run on the railway, Kasselakis added, so the OAKA Olympic Stadium continued to operate as before. "All the Greek teams have played at the stadium. All the Panathinaikos at-home international games were held there. The most populous concerts of the country were given there. For three full years, tens of thousands of people gathered under the unstable roof each time," he said.

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