Marinakis categorically refutes reports of a 'demilitarisation' of the Greek islands

Government spokesperson Pavlos Marinakis on Wednesday categorically refuted media reports from Turkiye referring to a "demilitarisation" of Greek islands, calling them "fake news".

Government spokesperson Pavlos Marinakis on Wednesday categorically refuted media reports from Turkiye referring to a "demilitarisation" of Greek islands, calling them "fake news".

"On the day that the first Belharra frigate is being launched, which together with the acquisition of the Rafale fighter jets and an upgrade of the F-16s marks a significant strengthening of the Armed Forces and contributes to the defensive protection of our country, it is inconceivable that fake news on national issues should be spread," Marinakis said.

"We make this clear once more: there is absolutely no change of strategy regarding the distribution of forces and the defensive protection of the country," he added emphatically.

"Greece has in recent years become stronger diplomatically, geostrategically and in defence and we remain committed to this direction," he said.