Mitsotakis on results for regional governors: Voters 'reconfirmed their confidence in New Democracy

Greek voters "reconfirmed their confidence in New Democracy and the choices it made," Prime Minister and New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis said on Sunday night, as over a third of the votes were counted nationally for regional governors and mayors.

Greek voters "reconfirmed their confidence in New Democracy and the choices it made," Prime Minister and New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis said on Sunday night, as over a third of the votes were counted nationally for regional governors and mayors.

Speaking from the party's headquarters, he said that "at least 7 regions have won for New Democracy in the first round." He highlighted in particular the lead of former minister Nikos Hardalias, who is newly elected in Attica, and that of Apostolos Tzitzikostas in Central Macedonia, who was re-elected, and the very high percentages governors supported by ND received in Western Greece and Epirus.

"I also want to point out that it appears the opposition will win in the second round only in one region, and that I believe leads us to specific political conclusions. (...) The government obviously will continue as of tomorrow its work, the implementation of great changes and reforms Greece needs, and, of course, as of next week we shall continue to fight the battle of the second round in the races which were not won this Sunday," Mitsotakis added, referring to both main opposition SYRIZA and to opposition PASOK.