PM Mitsotakis announces measures to support poorer households in interview with Skai radio

The government will adopt emergency measures amounting to 350 million euros easures to support poorer households and citizens in December, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis told Skai 100.3 radio station on Thursday.

He said this will include a social solidarity benefit for households in need and those eligible for child benefit, 250 euros in financial assistance for people with disabilities, support for those receiving the minimum guaranteed income and an extra 150 euros for low-income pensioners.

Speaking to the journalist Aris Portosalte, the prime minister spoke about diverse issues, including the Greek capital's increasing problems with traffic congestion, where he said there were "no easy answers". Apart from long-term solutions, such as the new metro line, he said that possible short-term solutions were strictly enforced bus lanes and promoting cycling.

He also spoke about a decision to install cameras in the centre of Athens and the use of AI to regulate traffic lights, his upcoming meeting with the mayor-elect of Athens Haris Doukas and the action the government intends to take in response to high prices.