Kasselakis: No one has the right to play games with the patience and concerns of SYRIZA's grassroots

"I respect the party a great deal," main opposition SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance leader Stefanos Kasselakis said on Monday, while answering callers' questions during the live radio show "Allegro Ma Me Tropo" presented by Evgenia Loupaki on the radio station "Sto Kokkino 105.5".

If he did not respect the party, Kasselakis added, he would not respect Alexis Tsipras who had done him the honour of placing him on the state deputy list. Precisely because he did respect the party, Kasselakis said, he had extended a hand of friendship to all, including his rivals, from the first day.

"I invited Mrs Achtsioglou to my office in Parliament and offered her any role she wished. When I read that things were said, such as 'there is no room for coexistence with the current leadership group, I think to myself that they would have been the leadership group if they had accepted by invitation," he said.

SYRIZA-PA's leader added that there was no "inner circle" and that he had repeatedly said that the "second is first" and invited his opponents to join him and become the leadership team.

Asked about the possibility that the group of "six plus six" will leave the party, Kasselakis replied that no one, including himself, had the right to "play games and test the patience and concern of SYRIZA's grassroots. If they are going to make a decision they should make it now...."