Digital transfer of property can be completed online in a single day, ministers say

The digital transfer of property platform went into operation on January 1 through the portal ( for all citizens and notaries public who wish to avoid lengthy in-person registration times.

Digital transfer of property can be completed online in a single day, ministers say

Once data is entered, the system will send the approved transfer or a justified rejection within a working day, instead of several-month delays, e-Governance ministers said.

The e-platform reduces red tape by abolishing four documents, including the proof that real estate tax (TAP) has been paid, and the summary of a property contract. It also does away entirely with interested parties having to visit a Cadaster office.

In summary, the steps a citizen has to go through are three: logging in as citizen and accepting an invitation by the notary public; selecting the property to be sold by the current owner or co-signee; paying the fees (as a buyer) and entering them in the Cadaster.

The government called on notaries public to make use of the platform, guaranteeing that the transfers will be completed within a working day. Digital Governance Deputy Minister Constantinos Kyranakis said that the government presented the application to the Association of Athens Notaries Public on January 2 and was doing so in Thessaloniki on January 3 (today).

Digital Governance Minister Dimitris Papastergiou said that "the resolution of long-standing issues such as that of the Cadaster, is a goal both of the government overall and for the Digital Governance ministry in particular."

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