Skertsos: Gov't measures to be announced on Wed. expected to improve high pricing

The Greek government is constantly introducing measures to restrain soaring prices, State Minister Akis Skertsos said on Monday, adding that high prices for food and household goods are the greatest problem for an average Greek family.

Speaking to national broadcaster ERT, Skertsos said that the government is counterbalancing the prices with raises in wages and pensions, while measures that will be announced on Wednesday will improve market competition and create better pricing.

Skertsos also noted that announcements are also forthcoming on the high prices for infant formula, which is now sold in supermarkets as well, not just pharmacies. In cases such as olive oil, however, the government could not do more than market inspections and imposing fees for excessive profits, as the issue related to climate change and shortages. The fines were effective, he underlined, because they reduced violations to under 10% after inspections.