Skrekas: We will check every category of goods for possible distortions

Development Minister Kostas Skrekas, speaking on Friday to Parapolitika radio regarding the four new measures against high prices, underlined that "the prices of products that have higher prices in Greece in comparison with other countries will be reduced with the new measures, while new price increases will be prevented".

Skrekas: We will check every category of goods for possible distortions

The minister underlined that "if necessary, we will take additional measures for product categories whose prices are unjustifiably high in Greece," while noting that the measures are expected to lower prices on the shelf in Greece by up to 20 percent. Regarding the inspections for infant formula, he said that "in the last period we have also checked these specific companies for unfair profiteering and you will see that there are findings that will be announced".

"We are inspecting all the sectors, one by one, we will not leave any sector, any category of consumer goods unchecked for possible distortions," Skrekas concluded.

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