Football fans back to stadiums on February 12, Chrisochoidis says

Citizen Protection Minister Michalis Chrisochoidis, in an interview on Tuesday evening to public broadcaster ERT, underlined his concern over violence between minors because, as he pointed out, it needs very special treatment, while it is a phenomenon that is rapidly spreading.

Citizen Protection Minister Michalis Chrisochoidis, in an interview on Tuesday evening to public broadcaster ERT, underlined his concern over violence between minors because, as he pointed out, it needs very special treatment, while it is a phenomenon that is rapidly spreading.

The minister revealed that a site has already been set up where parents and minors can report such incidents, so that anyone can immediately file a report and get immediate intervention.

"Just as we have the panic button in the case of domestic violence, in exactly the same way there should be an application that will notify the police that something is going on somewhere. Together, of course, with the cooperation of other social organisations and other government organisations," noted the minister.

Regarding the issue of sports fan violence, Chrisochoidis underlined that "we will do our job," adding: "I promise that I will make a great effort so that all these criminal elements are arrested and we can bring them to Justice and be done, because it's organised crime." At the same time, however, he pointed out that everyone must do their job.

"Let's take our children and let's all go to the stadiums that open on February 12 and be done with all of them," the minister said, noting that this will also put pressure on clubs to cooperate.