PM Mitsotakis: The postal vote is a historic step

"It is a very important reform, which primarily makes it easier for non-resident Greeks to participate in the European elections, without travelling, without expenses, wherever they may live," Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said on Wednesday during a cabinet meeting, talking about the draft law on postal voting.

"I believe that it is also an important opportunity for consensus, on which, however, for reasons that I really struggle to understand, both PASOK and SYRIZA are turning their backs by voting against the bill. Even though they had initially agreed to it, and I honestly wonder at this u-turn...," he added.

"I cannot understand why the opposition parties object to a draft law in its entirety on the grounds of an amendment tabled at the beginning of the relevant debate and which improves the bill. And how is it that we agree on a postal vote in the European elections and do not agree on a postal vote in the general elections? In other words, does the voice of the citizens differs in the two polls?

"In any case, there is a very simple way to overcome any objections on this issue: let them vote in favour of the bill and vote against the amendment.

"Today, however, regardless of how things turn out, a very important, historic step is being taken at the initiative of this government for the establishment of postal voting, first of all in the European elections.

"And you can be sure that sooner or later the second step will be taken. This particular amendment, if rejected today, will be reintroduced, and will be reintroduced after the European elections," he noted.

Mitsotakis then referred to the other topic on the agenda, concerning the standing government goal of improving everyday life, with reforms that modernise the country as a whole and lead to ever greater convergence with Europe.

"It is something that I must tell you is recognised internationally, as I found out recently in Davos. There was also a common conclusion that Greece now attracts the interest of investors in the economy's performance, instead of scaring them. In the meetings I had with all investors, it is clear that gaining an investment grade rating already acts as an additional incentive to do business in the country. A development that will bring even more investments, more well-paid jobs and, of course, higher growth, which in turn brings more public revenue for income support and for a more targeted and effective social policy," he underlined.

In addition, he spoke about the bill regarding same-sex marriage, saying that the new bill increases the rights of some people without, however, taking any rights away from the majority. "It is something that, after all, is required by our democracy, which does not allow two categories of citizens and where we certainly cannot have any 'children of a lesser god'."