Innovation Greece 5.0 conference: Innovation in Greece and the agencies supporting it

Over 150 speakers from the entire ecosystem of innovation in Greece are attending the opening day of the annual two-day conference "Innovation Greece 5.0: Innovation in Greece and the agencies that support it" at the National Center for Scientific Research 'Demokritos' on Friday.

The conference aims to delineate the innovation landscape in Greece by addressing key questions, such as: What does innovation in Greece signify today? Who can benefit from innovation initiatives? Which sectors of the economy are impacted? Which organisations support teams and companies in their innovation efforts? What financial tools are available? What other forms of support are offered?

Innovation Greece 5.0 is an action of Smart Attica EDIH (European Digital Innovation) and is jointly organized by the NBG Business Seeds (National Bank), Demokritos, the National Kapodistrian University of Athens' Archimedes Center, the Economic University of Athens' Athens Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ACEin), the Hellenic Fund for Entrepreneurship & Development SA, the Hellenic-American Chamber of Commerce, Bayer Hellas, Metavallon, and The congress is supported by NBG Pay.

(For the agenda and more info, see