Farmers decide to hold a tractor rally in Athens

Farmers will hold a rally in Athens, they decided during the nationwide meeting they held in Nikaia, Larissa on Thursday, while they also decided to proceed to the blockade of customs and ports.

Farmers will hold a rally in Athens, they decided during the nationwide meeting they held in Nikaia, Larissa on Thursday, while they also decided to proceed to the blockade of customs and ports.

They also decided to use tractors, cars, and buses for their transportation to Athens, and issued a call to their colleagues to participate massively.

Rizos Maroudas, president of the United Federation of Agricultural Associations, accused the government of attempting to suppress and intimidate their fellow farmers who are stationed at customs and ports, stating that they will have to face the riot police and lawsuits.

"We are right, we must survive, we have no other way but our struggle, and in this struggle no one is superfluous. This is the message we send to all of Greece," Maroudas said.