SYRIZA Political Secretariat to meet again on Tuesday; calls on members to help transform the party

SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance's Political Secretariat will meet again on Tuesday, it said following its meeting on Monday, and called on party members to actively participate in the efforts to transform the party, including through its upcoming congress.

In its statement, the main opposition's Political Secretariat also expressed support for the students against the founding of private universities, and for farmers who are fighting for their livelihood and against thedanger of the undermining of primary production. At the same time, it criticized the government for attempting to concentrate economic power "which fits in with the violation of basic rule of the rule of law."

"We are a party of members, not of officers, and definitely not a leader-based party. It is now the time of members, who also have the floor," and who can ask any questions and have a right to evaluate all officers, from the party leader to the elected prefecture committees, it underlined.

In addition, it said it would fight any effort by the party's political opponents to restrict the party's identity and expansion. "We have fought relentlessly for SYRIZA-PA's expansion, restructuring, and transformation. We have experienced the response of progressive people to the election of the Central Committee from the base, and the election of a party president, both in May 2022 and in September 2022. We are working to complete the party's transformation," it said.

The Political Secretariat called on all members to "fight a united fight in the upcoming struggle, at the party's congress" and to pay no attention to delusional and conspiratorial scenarios. "The new session of the Political Secretariat will take place tomorrow. We are starting on the necessary democratic change," it concluded.