Hatzidakis attending Eurogroup and ECOFIN meetings in Brussels

National Economy and Finance Minister Kostis Hatzidakis is attending a Eurogroup meeting in Brussels on Monday, as well as the ECOFIN Council taking place in the city on Tuesday.

Hatzidakis attending Eurogroup and ECOFIN meetings in Brussels

The Eurogroup is discussing macroeconomic developments and fiscal policy in the eurozone, while ministers are expected to adopt a joint statement on the future of the Capital Markets Union.

On Tuesday there will be a joint session of EU finance ministers and EU labour and social affairs ministers to discuss social investments and reforms, macroeconomic stabilisation and social convergence. This will be followed by the ECOFIN Council, where the EU finance ministers will exchange views on the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility and the economic and fiscal impact of the war in Ukraine. The Council is also expected to seek to approve its guidelines for the 2025 EU budget and to adopt its recommendation on the discharge to be given to the Commission for the implementation of the EU budget for 2022.

On the margins of the sessions, Hatzidakis is to meet European officials.

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