FM Gerapetritis meets with EU Special Representative for the Gulf Luigi Di Maio

Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis met on Thursday with EU Special Representative for the Gulf Luigi Di Maio.

Gerapetritis expressed his deep concern over the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the spreading ot the conflicts in the Red Sea and the multilateral consequences, diplomatic sources said.

"Gerapetritis referred to the need for immediate ceasefire, channeling more humanitarian aid to Gaza by both sea and land corridors and stressed the importance of the implementation of the political vision of a two-state solution, in which the role of the Gulf states will be, as Gerapetritis said, important," the same sources underlined.

On his part, Di Maio congratulated Greece for its active participation in the operation 'ASPIDES' and praised its contribution to the protection of the free and unimpeded navigation in the Red Sea.

Di Maio also briefed Gerapetritis on the course of the talks in terms of the exchange of the progress of talks on the exemption from the obligation to hold Schengen visas for the citizens of the Gulf countries, as well as on the trade negotiations between EU and the Cooperation Council of Arab States of the Gulf (GCC).