KKE is the only real strategic opponent of the government, Koutsoumbas says

"The Communist Party of Greece (KKE) is voting for the censure motion against the New Democracy government"

"The Communist Party of Greece (KKE) is voting for the censure motion against the New Democracy government. However, it doesn't stop there. We are submitting to Parliament also the censure that we daily submit together with the people, young people, the labour-working-class movement in the struggles mounted against the policy of this government and its consequences," the General Secretary of the Central Committee of KKE, Dimitris Koutsoumbas, said in his speech in Parliament on Wednesday.

"A censure motion against the Mitsotakis government, and not just one, but many censure motions," he noted. He explained that "the censure of the KKE concerns the crime of Tempi and the miserable attempt to cover it up. Also, the government for involving the country more deeply in the imperialist war in Ukraine, for sending the frigate 'Hydra' into the mouth of the wolf, for placing the burden of high prices on the people, and also for the crime regarding LARCO, for the atrocious law on private universities, for the further commercialisation of health, for the policy in agricultural production."