Interior Min Kerameus addresses Harvard Law School and the Fletcher School of Tufts University

Interior Minister Niki Kerameus gave speeches at two leading, internationally renowned US academic institutions, the Harvard Law School and the Fletcher School of Tufts University, regarding the reforms taking place in the Greek public sector.

Interior Minister Niki Kerameus gave speeches at two leading, internationally renowned US academic institutions, the Harvard Law School and the Fletcher School of Tufts University, regarding the reforms taking place in the Greek public sector.

The speeches were given on the sidelines of an awareness campaign carried out by the minister in the United States of America and Canada, with the aim of informing the expatriate Greeks who live there about the possibility of their participation in the European elections in June, by postal vote.

The minister gave detailed answers to the questions put to her by professors and students, while she did not hide her excitement about the fact that she was returning to Massacusetts, 20 years after graduating from Harvard Law School, to speak at two of the leading universities of the world.

During her speech at Harvard Law School, Kerameus referred extensively to the reform work of the interior ministry, making special reference to the radical transformation of the state. She even mentioned, as a tangible example of this reform effort, the simplification of administrative procedures through the National Register of Administrative Procedures "Mitos", which was recently awarded in Maastricht, the Netherlands, allowing citizens to be quickly and accurately informed about the necessary steps, the documents required, but also the service points for any of their requests to the public sector.

She also presented the artificial intelligence tool that the ministry is launching to organise recruitment planning in the public sector.