SYRIZA's Kasselakis calls on PM Mitsotakis to 'send Karamanlis to justice' over Tempi accident

SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance leader Stefanos Kasselakis asked Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis if he intends to "support its proposal to send [former transportation minister] Kostas A. Karamanlis to justice," in a post on social media on Monday.

SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance leader Stefanos Kasselakis asked Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis if he intends to "support its proposal to send [former transportation minister] Kostas A. Karamanlis to justice," in a post on social media on Monday.

Earlier, the main opposition party had presented a document to New Democracy, through their parliamentary committees, claiming that it had evidence for "specific acts and omissions" related to the fatal train collision at Tempi.

In his post, Kasselakis specifically said, "The well-informed citizen is the power of our democracy. I invite you to read the charge document that SYRIZA drew up for Kostas A. Karamanlis. The government did not really respond. So I am asking the prime minister specifically: Will you support our proposal with the votes of your deputies, or wll you lead Kostas Karamanlis to an amnesty? Will you break apart the equation 'Mitsotakis = Karamanlis', or will your two elite families act as one forever, around the crime of Tempi? If you have nothing to hide, fulfil the demand not of SYRIZA but of an entire people: send Kostas Karamanlis to justice."