Androulakis lays wreath in memory of junta resistance fighter

PASOK-Movement for Change (KINAL) leader Nikos Androulakis laid a wreath on Sunday at the bust of Army officer Spyros Moustaklis who was tortured by the junta for opposing it, to commemorate the anniversary of the colonels' coup in 1967.

Androulakis attended a memorial event at the EAT-ESA facilities in the Venizelos Park of Athens that was held by the Association of Jailed and Exiled Resistance Fighters.

He said that the coup was the start of a dark era in modern Greek history, as it led to the tragedy on Cyprus, "an open wound for our nation."

As part of the action to protect democracy, he said, PASOK tabled a document at the Greek Supreme Court asking it to block the participation of Spartiates party, which he did not name but described as "the remains of the Golden Dawn neo-Nazi organization."