Α modern European state cannot leave islanders isolated, says Kasselakis

The request of the residents of the Cyclades for the interconnection of their islands for transportation, trade, healthcare, and tourism was conveyed on X-Platform by the leader of SYRIZA Stefanos Kasselakis, during the third day of his maritime tour.

The leader of SYRIZA notes that his tour aims to "highlight the problems of our fellow citizens and the proposals of SYRIZA, the party that conceived and legislated the transport equivalent."

He stresses that, from their perspective, establishing routes to connect the Cyclades islands, offering discounts for permanent residents and providing special attention during the winter months are necessary.

Additionally, he asserts that a modern European state cannot leave islanders isolated. He further emphasizes, "It is evident: investment in insularity will foster development and aid in the necessary decentralization of Greece."