Androulakis on European elections result: It is our duty to continue the reliable opposition

"The unprecedented abstention and the rise of the far right are the two strong messages of the elections," PASOK-Movement for Change leader Nikos Androulakis said on Sunday following the results of the European elections.

"The unprecedented abstention and the rise of the far right are the two strong messages of the elections," PASOK-Movement for Change leader Nikos Androulakis said on Sunday following the results of the European elections.

Androulakis noted that it turned out that a large part of the people feels that the political system has turned its back on them and today they turned their back.

"I will in no way accept such a very negative development, and that is why I will fight for politics to provide solutions, fascinate and not cause disgust or new impasses," he stated and added: "At the same time, there is a strong shift to the far right and irrationality, which should concern us. Especially the government, which nurtured them by systematically undermining the rule of law, respect for human rights and trust in justice."

Androulakis underlined that New Democracy suffered "a heavy defeat, losing 14 points from the threshold of the national elections and 5 from that of the European elections. The contempt showing for major and open social problems such as the housing crisis, the National Health System, the cost of living, was condemned. Arrogance, indecency and corruption were punished."

"It is our duty to continue with dynamism the serious, reliable opposition in order to finally open the way for a progressive governance," Androulakis said and underlined: "I will therefore take all the necessary political initiatives for dialogue with the creative but above of all real progressive forces of society. Our priority is to formulate the alternative proposal for the governance of the country before the next national elections."