Mendoni: The protection of the monument is our priority

A monumental architectural find of circular shape, which is unique in Minoan-era archaeology, has been uncovered in an excavation now in progress at the top of Papoura hill, at an altitude of 494m northwest of the Cretan town of Kasteli and an under-construction airport, the culture ministry announced on Tuesday.

A monumental architectural find of circular shape, which is unique in Minoan-era archaeology, has been uncovered in an excavation now in progress at the top of Papoura hill, at an altitude of 494m northwest of the Cretan town of Kasteli and an under-construction airport, the culture ministry announced on Tuesday.

The monument, with a diameter of about 48 metres and covering a surface area of about 1800 sq. metres, is located at the highest point of the hill, where the new airport's radar systems were originally to be installed.

According to the same announcement, Culture Minister Lina Mendoni made it clear during a meeting held at the airport construction site that the archaeological excavation must continue, so that the scientists can get a clearer understanding of it, and that the monument must be preserved.

As the minister pointed out, while the construction of the airport should obviously continue unimpeded, the find must be protected and another suitable location found for installing the radar. Mendoni and Deputy Infrastructure and Transport Minister Nikos Tahiaos, who was also at the meeting, agreed that the Civil Aviation Authority should soon prepare and submit a new study to the culture ministry regarding the location of the radar.

"This is a unique find of great interest. There are solutions, so that the archaeological excavation can be completed and the monument protected," Mendoni commented.