SYRIZA, PASOK-KINAL separately refute reports of meeting as 'fake news'

Main opposition SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance and PASOK-Movement for Change (KINAL) said reports claiming officials of two parties had met were, respectively, "fake news" and "figments of imagination", in separate statements issued on Sunday.

Main opposition SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance and PASOK-Movement for Change (KINAL) said reports claiming officials of two parties had met were, respectively, "fake news" and "figments of imagination", in separate statements issued on Sunday.

SYRIZA categorically denied the reports that the director of the its party leader's office, Manolis Kapnisakis, met with his PASOK-KINAL counterpart Elena Anastasiou, or tha ny other SYRIZA official had met with the other party. "The only thing sought by people spreading such fake news as this above, is to serve their own personal plans. And, in the end, the only beneficiary of such moves is Mr. Mitsotakis and his neoliberal government," the main opposition party said, referring to the prime minister.

PASOK's statement said that the reports on web pages were figments of imagination serving other purposes, adding, "There was neither any meeting nor was there any kind of consultation sought, as mentioned falsely."