Temponeras, Kotsakas and Tsiokas resign from SYRIZA-PA organs in protest

Dionysis Temponeras, Antonis Kotsakas and Haris Tsiokas, three senior officials within main opposition SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance, resigned from the party's organs on Wednesday in protest against what they described as a "mutation, instead of a progressive transformation," of the party.

Dionysis Temponeras, Antonis Kotsakas and Haris Tsiokas, three senior officials within main opposition SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance, resigned from the party's organs on Wednesday in protest against what they described as a "mutation, instead of a progressive transformation," of the party.

The three sent a letter to SYRIZA-PA President Stefanos Kasselakis, as well as the party's secretary, which they also shared with members of the party's Political Secretariat and intend to submit to its Central Committee for discussion, outlining the reasons for their decision.

In this, they claimed the party was "sliding into an unconditional 'authorisationalism'," while noting that "the latest intervention of the President makes it clear that we cannot remain indifferent, for reasons of dignity and self-respect, to a mutuation instead of a progressive transformation, with which we disagree."

Temponeras was a member of the Political Secretariat, Kotsakas was a former chairman of the party's Ethics Committee and Tsiokas a member of the Organisational Bureau.