Mitsotakis: The citizens demand a lot from us, they want fewer mistakes and more effort

"The citizens demand a lot from us, they want fewer mistakes and more effort, tangible results and not just promises," Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said on Wednesday, starting a meeting of the New Democracy Parliamentary Group.

"The citizens demand a lot from us, they want fewer mistakes and more effort, tangible results and not just promises," Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said on Wednesday, starting a meeting of the New Democracy Parliamentary Group.

The prime minister emphasised that the meeting coincided with the completion of one year since the victory of the New Democracy party in the elections of June 2023. "We received a resounding mandate from the citizens to implement our plan. This order is valid in its entirety, even after the European elections. The result does not reflect the goal we had set, but it reflects the clear supremacy of the party," he said.

He added that "we must be honest and interpret the stance of the voters, especially those who abstained as a result of our own weaknesses," noting that those who abstained "deliberately chose not to trust another political force."