From the Port of Spetses, on a Flight to California: The 'Heroine' Who Saved the Kitten on Newsbomb

Coco Gozlan, who dove in and saved the kitten in Spetses, spoke to about her experience.

A video from Spetses, showing a girl saving a kitten that had fallen into the harbor, is making the rounds on the Internet. After its rescue, the kitten was named 'Spetsi' and is in good health, enjoying care and love.

The most infuriating part of the incident, according to many, is that no one else but the girl dove in to save the small feline. Coco Gozlan asked the port officials who were present why no one was jumping into the sea to save the cat, and they responded that it wasn't safe due to a boat that might have been passing by.

However, the young girl did not hesitate for a moment and jumped into the water with her clothes on. Within 'half a minute,' she had brought the kitten out.

Speaking to, Coco Gozlan mentioned that she doesn't know exactly how the kitten ended up in the sea, but she speculates that it might have been frightened by something and fell in. 'I have no idea how it ended up in the sea. At that moment, I was dropping a friend off at the port to catch the boat, and then I saw something in the water. I looked more closely and saw that it was a kitten drowning. It might have fallen in because it got scared by something.'

'Everything happened very quickly; I started pointing at the cat and panicking, and I dove in without thinking. The port official was checking if it was safe for someone to dive in; he didn't have time to process it. He isn't to blame for anything; he was actually very kind to me! He even helped me find a vet for Spetsi,' she described.

"Coco Gozlan and Spetsi bid farewell to our country on Wednesday morning and traveled to California.

'I named the kitten "Spetsi" and right now (7/24 at 2:30 PM) we are on a plane heading to our home in California,' she mentioned."

"She herself states that she is shocked by the posts that have flooded the internet, showing her and Spetsi.

'I am shocked by all the posts. I have always loved animals and even had an animal shelter in Mexico. I’ve always done this, it just so happened that this time someone recorded the incident. I feel awkward because so many people rescue animals every day as well.'

'I have two dogs at home. I love animals, and regardless of whether you are an animal lover or not, if you see an animal in danger, you must intervene,' emphasized Coco Gozlan to"

"I am grateful for all the love and attention from people; I am truly touched and hope that my action will inspire others to also rescue an animal if they come across one," she added.