Ilias Kasidiaris’ request about the magistrates rejected

Ilias Kasidiaris, member of Golden Dawn, requested the exeption of the two magistrates, Ioanna Klapa and Maria Dimitropoulou who make the main investigation about the criminal activities of the organization.

His request rejected. By 250/2014 decision, the Appeals Council rejected the request as “on an overall assessment of the claims of both the applicant and the magistrates” it doesn’t appear any preference of for or against a particular political party.

The Council also considers that it is not true that "because of magistrates' false publicized, not legally, part of the investigative material and stresses that "a denunciation against the judge is not a ground of exemption".

Ilias Kasidiaris asked the exception of Mrs Klapa because supposedly "hid the special and intimate relationships and the important political role of her husband with our political persecutors" and she is " identified with the ideology of the party's wife. He also claimed that the two magistrates “'in no way acted to ensure the secrecy of the investigation”.